Why Choose Us
BestCover Insurance is a member of Brokerline Direct (BLD). BLD take pride in developing close relationships with members and insurer partners alike, offering members access to a wide range of quality products and partners, the help and support needed to protect their independence and remain competitive.
BLD members enjoy exclusive access to a range of unique Motor, Home, Commercial Vehicle, and SME products, provided by leading insurers.
BLD is the original, longest established and largest Broker Network in Ireland. It has a nationwide distribution with over 120 offices and has in excess of €500m premium income under management by its Brokers.
BLD have a proven track record of consistent and controlled growth, more than doubling its size in recent years. It offers members access to a wide range of services, along with the help and support needed to protect their independence, competitiveness and ability to offer choice.
BLD’s collective strength is a significant force in the Irish Insurance Industry and helps BLD members to maximise their bargaining power and strengthen their position in the market, for the benefit of their clients.